dimanche 14 mars 2010

I present my jump..!!

JUMP pedigree!!

luna tale ejay Vice belgium agility 2008,3x canicross competition 2007.
Luna vice belgium champion canicross 2006
Maeglin Umoss 3 x antwerp champion
agility,vice belgium champion agility,select for WM dortmund 2002,2x selected fort europ herding championship,select for the bala WM in england.
Tcharro severall time selected for the europ herdind championship,1x in the final!, select for the bala WM in england.
Thor the big siren ,team mebers netherlands,3x at the NW,Won several open class competition.
Glaslyn wil,
Won several open class competition.
THEO, dansich obedience champion.
Bob (tonny ottesen) Win the stora cup, Semi finalist WM 2008
Bob (aled owen) Winner international supréme 2000 and world trial 2002
Glen (serge van der zweep) Winner continental 2005, 3th in world trial 2005,2nd européen cahmapionship 2007/
Moel nap, Win 3x the novegian championship

1 commentaire:

  1. Congratulations to choose! Let a good hiding! greetings from Magda and Basia (Lunatale Justinka)


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